

In the early 1980’s Hans and Brigitte Gautschi traveled to the United States on their vacations from Switzerland, eventually finding the property that would start them off on their quest to create the Ducktrap Wildlife Preserve. The land they first purchased in 1982 and the wildlife it supported spoke to them in many powerful ways. Brigitte is an artist. For her the land invoked mythic images, and the natural subjects were symbiotically combined onto her canvasses. Hans was a third-generation industrialist. For him the land provided the opportunity to engage in the hands-on improvements of reclaiming blueberry lands, planting American Chestnut trees and enhancing the wildlife habitat. Both immensely enjoyed just walking about the lands and observing nature.

In the 1990’s Brigitte and Hans became increasingly aware of the development pressures then hitting the mid-coast of Maine. They worried about what uncontrolled growth might do to their sanctuary and the idea of a wildlife preserve was born. They purchased several parcels from developers just as major subdivisions were being planned. Hans then began contacting his neighbors and working out contracts of sale or rights of first refusal. By the summer of 1996 over 600 acres had been added to their original purchase. Rather than just keeping the land for themselves, Hans and Brigitte announced the creation of the Ducktrap Wildlife Preserve and an endowment to support the ongoing work. The Preserve would insure the protection of the land in perpetuity for the benefit of wildlife, nature and the enjoyment of future generations.

After Hans’ passing in 2003, Brigitte and her beloved dogs have continued their annual voyage to their cherished home in Maine.  Brigitte was elected as the President of the Board of Directors of the Ducktrap Wildlife Preserve and has persevered in this role with great passion and a pioneering spirit. And she continues to create.  The forest, the animals, the waterways and the serenity of the Ducktrap Wildlife Preserve all continue to serve as the muse for Brigitte’s artistic expression.  While some prefer to tell their life story in words, Brigitte prefers to express her journey through her paintings.  Presented below is a gallery of works created by Brigitte, over the years, at the Ducktrap Wildlife Preserve.

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